Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Discovery of the Day: I Can't Stop Hoarding Books

I have another confession to make. I have an addiction. An addiction to books. It's pretty wicked. I find myself wandering through the aisles of Borders lusting after books I had no intention to buy when I walked through the door. I logon to bookmooch.com each day in the event a cool book is ready to be snagged before anyone else gets to it. My fingers twitch as I pass the bookshelves in the library....no...don't pick up another one!

I'd like to say that I am just hoarding all of these book because fall is here thus the approach of awful Ohio weather where all one CAN really do is read (or watch crappy tv...which I do as well!). But I'm afraid I would be lying. I hoard no matter what the weather.

I really must be stopped. I really should. If someone would please tell both authors and publishers that we don't need anymore books that would be wonderful. This may allow me to catch up on my "to be read" stack without getting further into trouble. I will work on drawing up a memo immediately after I finish the latest Paulo Coelho book I have my hands on. It is quite delicious.

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